Saturday, 1 November 2008

Yeong Taufu III

soft taufu
mince meat
Marinate the mince meat with soy sauce, cornflour and pepper. Carrots, garlic or mushrooms can also be added to the mince meat. Place the mince meat on top of each cube of taufu. Steam till the mince meat is fully cooked. Serve! =D

Monday, 27 October 2008

Yeong Taufu II


mince meat
black mushrooms

Method: (same as Yeong Taufu I)
Fry the black mushrooms and serve!

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Yeong Taufu I

Yeong Taufu Part I.. this is one of my favourite yeong taufu: the Brinjal/Eggplant or so called Aubergine in the western countries.

Ingredients: Yeong Taufu I

Minced fish/minced pork
light soy sauce
2 tbs cornflour
Mix the seasonings into the minced meat and mix thoroughly. As for the brinjal, cut into sections and for each sections cut a slit in between so the minced meat can be filled into it. Next, deep fry the brinjal until the brinjal white layer turns dark brown. Part I of Yeong Taufu can be served! =)

Monday, 20 October 2008

Roast Pork


4 strips of pork belly(of the above size)
2 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
2 tsp garlic powder or mince garlic
2 tsp five spice powder
2 tsp pepper
2 tbs oil
vinegar mixed with a lil water

Boil the vinegar and water. Layer it on the pork belly skin only. Fry the salt, garlic powder. five spice powder and pepper for awhile. Add in sugar into the mixture. Rub the mixture on bottom layer of the pork belly. On a plate, with the pork belly skin facing upwards, leave in the fridge overnight to marinade it. Next, turn on the oven to around 230ºC, rub the skin with oil and bake it for around 20mins. Turn on the grill to medium, grill the pork belly skin till it is not too charred. This takes around less than 5mins depending on the heat. Check it regularly. Sprinkle some salt on the crispy skin to have some saltiness. Cool, cut into small pieces and serve. Have fun and enjoy~ Careful when handling ovens. =)

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Wantan Mee

wantan mee without sauce..
sauce~ =)
char siew~
pork ball.. as a replacement for wantan.


wantan mee, boiled awhile and drained in cold water
char siew
wantan/pork ball(replacement)

pork ball soup

dark soy sauce
sesame oil
a lil soup(to dilute the dark soy sauce)

Boil the mee and set aside. Prepare the remaining ingredients, vege, char siew, wantan/pork ball. Mix the sauce and serve!

Thursday, 16 October 2008


the few of us had a bbq session few months back.. thus our house has to be in charge of something.. i decided to make satay~

Marination process

Satay-stick-ing process? lol

Sauce No. 1 : Peanut Sauce (top)
Sauce No. 2: Sambal

Pre-BBQ process

Some add-ons for fun~

BBQ-ing time~



chicken or pork or any meat of choice, cut into cubes and pounded lightly


1 stalk lemongrass, peeled and use inside part, onion chopped finely, 2 tsp coriander powder, 1 tsp curry powder, 1 tsp turmeric powder, 2 tsp salt, 2 tsp sugar, 2 tbs grounded peanuts, 1 tbs oil


Marinade meat for 30 minutes or overnight and skewer the meat. Grill satay on a BBQ, applying oil during cooking. Serve with peanut sauce, cucumber and onions.

Peanut sauce:

2 stalks lemongrass chopped, oil, 2 limes(juice and pulp), water, 4 tbs sugar, 1 tbs salt, grounded peanuts


onions chopped finely, chopped garlic, dried chilli or chilli powder, 1 tbs prawn paste


Squeeze the juice and remove the pulp from the lime and mix with 2 cups of water. Heat oil and stir fry the lemongrass till fragrant. Add lime water, boil and add sugar, salt, ground peanut and some water. Simmer until the sauce thickens.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Loh Mee


thick noodles
sliced pork
vege of choice
fish cake
2 eggs

oyster sauce
soy sauce
cornflour to adjust thickness
dark soy sauce for darkness (optional)
prawn shells or dried shrimp


Boil the water together with oyster sauce, soy sauce and prawn shells to get the seafood flavour out. Add pork and cook till it's cooked. Add cornflour and pass the slightly beaten eggs through a sieve to get the layer texture of eggs in the boiling soup. Add in thick noodles, fish cake, prawns and vege till evenly cooked. The Loh Mee is ready to serve.